Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloweekend, Cats, and Hair

So, all of that business about updating more often? Looks like I lied.
In my defense, the past few weeks have been ridiculously busy for me.  I blame school.  (Also, fuck you, midterms.)
Life in October can preeeetty much be condensed into the following:

Befriended this awesome kitteh on the way to class.  I have appropriately named him Murphy. 

 New shipment of hair dye FINALLY arrived.  12 bottles direct from Manic Panic.  Sometimes I feel as though I may single handedly be supporting the hair color business.  

As a result of this new supply.... NEW HAIR! 
I decided to man up and go for a pink-purple-blue fade-in.  Having it all one color was getting waaaaaaay too  boring for me.  

My snazzy new pointe shoes are here! Time for me to get le ass back in gear (and shape.) 

The Halloween season has always been one of my favorite times of year, thanks in part to it being one of the few times where my look is relatively "normal".  Plus, it's an excuse to dress up in a costume and demand candy from total strangers.  What's NOT to love?  Finally decided on my costume for this year- Sweeney Todd's Mrs Lovett! Pics to be posted soon.

All of this cold weather is putting me into an intense baking mood.  Nonstop cookies and cupcakes are going down in my kitchen right now.  At this rate, I won't be able to fit into my pants by the start of November.  I guess it's just even more motivation to hit the gym.  Bleh.

I hope you all are having a fabulous (and safe!) Halloweekend.  I swear on my record collection that I'll update more often.  Pics and Vids to follow on my next posting.  Also, a hair and makeup tutorial shall be on it's way shortly.
<3 Stay Creepy!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

School, Friends, and Taco Tuesdays.

Listening to: "Faith Healer", Blaqk Audio
Noming On: Microwave brownies (details on these to come later)
Recovering from: Taco Tuesday.  Oh sorority life...

Wow.  So much for regular updates.  Let me catch y'all up to speed on the past month.

I spent my last few weeks at home shitting around with my friends.  I'm really going to miss these girls and our crazy ghost hunting-salsa eating- 3 am ventures.
I mean it girlies.  

Then around the end of August I left to go back up to San Francisco.  I'll admit, I cried like a baby.  Being a sophomore doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye to all of the people I love.
  One of my best memories of the entire summer happened the day before I left.  The epic Fog in S.F. means that stars, the moon, and pretty much the entire sky is invisible.  My absolutely amazing bestest friend stayed up the entire nightt with me, so we could watch the sunrise on my last day in So-Cal.  We saw a power line explode, the morning papers being delivered, and watched Dragonball Z reruns.  Amazing night? I think yes.  
I miss being able to see this so much.  City lights are beautiful, but they can't compare to the moon  and stars. 

The drive up to San Francisco is about 400 miles, and factoring in burrito stops, smoke breaks, and refueling, took a little under 7 hours. I got to see more small towns than I can count, sing crappily and loudly to System of A Down, and share one of my favorite places on Earth with some of my favorite people on Earth.

These guys.  

I showed them around the city, avoiding the tourist traps in favor of the lesser known but more awesome places.  The tiny garden between two skyscrapers.  The patch of flowers in an alleyway.  The corner of the docks that the fog forgets about. 
Bay Bridge.  Fixie.  Fog.  San Francisco in one picture. 

Somehow it was harder to say goodbye to them then it was to leave my own town.  As long as they were with me, so was a part of home.  I miss them.   I miss my friends.  I miss my family.  I miss my cats. 

School is meh.  The rest of my time can be summed up as follows: 
New hair.  And piercing. 

New tattoo, a tribute to the wise, wonderful, and witty Mr. Oscar Wilde. 
CANDY.  I've got to have my Whirly Pops.  

Sorority recruitment! Congratulations to all my new sisters,
 I hope you love Greek life as much as I do.  

The past few weeks have been pretty intense.  I'm currently running on caffiene, sugar, and pure adrenaline.  
I haven't slept in a week, I've barely been home, I can barely stand up, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I hope college, high school, middle school, work, or whatever it is you do is going well.  
Keep your head up, keep your heart strong, and don't forget to look at the stars.  You never know when you won't be able to anymore. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The difference a year makes...

Well... crap. The first week of August is already over, and in just a short while, I'll be back to the oh-so-exciting life of a college student.

Pros: Living on my own, San Francisco is gorgeous, I get to meet new people, learning, moving into my apartment, no curfew, total freedom.
Yeah.  My city. 

Cons: School, leaving my friends.

Huh.  looks like the cons have it.

As summer draws to a close, I can't help but think about how crazy the last few months have been, and how much has changed in the last year.

Summer of 2011 can be characterized as follows:

Now, Summer 2012 goes more like this:


Duckface Fuckery

Classy fuckery

Concert fuckery

Swing fuckery

Late-night fuckery.

Well, we've matured. 
One of my biggest fears about leaving for college was that I was going to lose my friends.  I was entirely certain that most of us would never see, or speak to each other again.  It's safe to say that (thankfully) I was wrong.  Very wrong.  In a weird way, I feel as though your true friends are the ones that you can separate yourself from for a month, or a semester, or even a year at a time.  Sure there are some people I'm not as close with, and I've lost touch with some friends, but the ones I still have are the ones who mean the most to me.  They're the ones who will give me a harsh dose of reality, a swift kick in the pants, or a hug, as needed. I love them.  They're my brothers and sisters.  And, above all, they're more than enough. Don't worry about losing your friends once school starts- look forward to gaining a family. 

Good luck guys! <3

Allow me to introduce myself....

huh.  Somehow I made it.  One year done, 3 to go.  Almost time to go back to school.  I've decided to chronical the remainder of my journey, in the hopes that some of you find it helpful, relate-able, or, at the very least, mildly entertaining.

Regular postings to come.

First, let's get some of the basic information out of the way, shall we?

what do you look like? Behold:
Hell yes that's an 80's sweater. 

Age-    18.  Too old to eat Popsicles in public without being dirty, too young to drink.  Truly, the worst of all ages.

 Slightly taller than the average midget.  Or "little person" as I hear is PC. (5'1'', if you MUST know)

 yes, please.  I'm a fan of anything that isn't country, pop, or rap.  This ranges from techno (think more Basshunter, less DDR), Industrial (Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, Nine Inch Nails), Goth (Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus), Alternative (Fall Out Boy, Hawthorne Heights, AFI), Punk (New and old- actually, mostly old- The Clash, Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, Adicts), to anything awesome (The Smiths, The Cure, Joy Division, Manic Street Preachers, Radiohead)

 Eh... Sometimes.  I'm a Kubrick fan, so "A Clockwork Orange", "The Shining" and "2001 A Space Odyssey".  "28 Days Later", "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street", "The Crow", and The Lord Of The Rings movies were good.  My main staples are old, cheesey horror movies- the kind that Elvira used to play.  My personal favorite? "The Blob".  People are terrified of a giant glob of Jello.  Sound awesome? It is.

Favorite Animal:
Everyone, meet Anakin, my Bengal and the best cat ever. EVER.

 It's okay.  I like Breaking Bad, anime, and those History Channel documentaries- the ones about people buried in walls, Jack the Ripper, and how Elvis is actually alive and DJ ing in Florida.  Oh, and Doctor Who.  I love me some time lord.

 Poetry, and lots of it- Keats, Yeats, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Browning, Arnold.  Pretty much anything from more than 50 years ago.  As for actual novels, i have a soft spot for Oscar Wilde, Stephen King, and Cormac McCarthy.

 I love clothes.  I'd say that my style falls somewhere between Victorian gothic, emo chick, and 80's punk.  I live for shoes.  The higher the heel, the more I want it- though I will readily admit that I have an addiction to Doc Marten's and black Converse.

What are you wearing right now?
Purple top, denim cutoffs, vintage  karmann ghia badge (from a yard sale, bitches), friendship necklace.

What can I expect from your blog?
 Musings on life, advice from experiences, Rants on music, and the occasional makeup or fashion tutorial.

Are you crazy?
 Probably.  But, then again, aren't we all?