Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloweekend, Cats, and Hair

So, all of that business about updating more often? Looks like I lied.
In my defense, the past few weeks have been ridiculously busy for me.  I blame school.  (Also, fuck you, midterms.)
Life in October can preeeetty much be condensed into the following:

Befriended this awesome kitteh on the way to class.  I have appropriately named him Murphy. 

 New shipment of hair dye FINALLY arrived.  12 bottles direct from Manic Panic.  Sometimes I feel as though I may single handedly be supporting the hair color business.  

As a result of this new supply.... NEW HAIR! 
I decided to man up and go for a pink-purple-blue fade-in.  Having it all one color was getting waaaaaaay too  boring for me.  

My snazzy new pointe shoes are here! Time for me to get le ass back in gear (and shape.) 

The Halloween season has always been one of my favorite times of year, thanks in part to it being one of the few times where my look is relatively "normal".  Plus, it's an excuse to dress up in a costume and demand candy from total strangers.  What's NOT to love?  Finally decided on my costume for this year- Sweeney Todd's Mrs Lovett! Pics to be posted soon.

All of this cold weather is putting me into an intense baking mood.  Nonstop cookies and cupcakes are going down in my kitchen right now.  At this rate, I won't be able to fit into my pants by the start of November.  I guess it's just even more motivation to hit the gym.  Bleh.

I hope you all are having a fabulous (and safe!) Halloweekend.  I swear on my record collection that I'll update more often.  Pics and Vids to follow on my next posting.  Also, a hair and makeup tutorial shall be on it's way shortly.
<3 Stay Creepy!